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Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 29th, 2017, 1:38 pm
by Torque

Tami entered the room she was sharing with Mandy, in time to see her partner exit the bathroom fresh from the shower. She paused, glancing around half expecting to see Matt. Not seeing anyone, she dropped her own pack by the door and set her laptop on the table by the window. As she looked over the information Mid-house sent her, she tapped her finger nails on the table and then wagged one for Mandy to join her.

Side by side, she showed Mandy the new information she had received. They had detailed profiles on the six victims, police reports, fact sheets, and the coroner’s reports. Tami sat back as she reviewed the reports, feeling the cackles of her neck standing on end. “How could the police call this a suicide pact?”

Mandy opened a bottle of coke cola as she looked over the statements from those who knew the teenagers. “It’s weird, this whole thing is weird.” She set the statements on the table. “Look at this… They were good kids, straight A’s, she was senior class president, presidential athletic ambassadors team, neither ever got in to trouble.” She indicated the identical wordings that showed up on the collection of statements about the six students. “These are the A list crowd, what the hell are they doing in an abandon barn in the middle of bum fucked Iowa?”

Tami flinched and drew back, surprised at Mandy’s choice of words. She blinked several times to collect her thoughts before speaking. “Uh… Weren’t you part of the A crowd at your high school?”

“Yeah but that was different, we were a team the other kids looked up too, not because of our looks or sports and stuff, but because the director and instructors saw our potential and made us a team.”

“Okay, so how do you explain this one?” Tami asked. She held up the profile on the youngest male of the group. “This kid is a juvenile delinquent with six arrests for disorderly conduct, one for physical assault, brutality against an animal, not to mention an academic record that doesn’t even begin to compare to the others.” She passed the profile to Mandy.

“Waite a minute,” She sifted through the coroner’s reports for the one matching the kid’s profile. “His is the only one that’s different; I’m wondering if he wasn’t psionic?”

“What makes you think that?” Tami asked.

“I want to talk with this boy’s parents but take a closer look,” She paused to take a deliberate gulp from her soda bottle. “All the others were found drained of their blood, he was bled out… And I can remember a few kids at the school with similar backgrounds of trouble only to be turned around because of training with their abilities.”

Tami mulled over her words for a moment then sighed, looking up. “You’ve got a point… All right partner, you call the parents and I’ll let the others know we’re heading out to see them.”

She stepped across the hall, knocking on the door with a quick rap of her knuckle. Solaire answered the door looking rather bored. An idea popped in to Tami’s mind that seemed good at the time. “I need you to check out the crime scene, call Detective Barnes and have him meet you there. Just tell him you’re from the Consortium and we suspect one of the victims may have been a psionic.”

“Do we?” Solaire asked.

“Double Fire does and I’m inclined to go with her on this one.”

“All right, I’m on it and consider it done.”

Tami moved down the hall to the next door, giving the same knock. She waited a few minutes before knocking again.

Eric finally answered. “Well, you look like you’re on a mission.”

“Cute, is Nova available?”

“She’s in the bathroom; did you need her for something?”

“Double Fire, Solaire and I are headed out, we need some one to monitor and maintain the internet connection to Mid-house.”

“We can do that no problem.” He winked at her. “Thanks for being easy on her.”

“We’re just getting started,” Seeing Mandy leave their room; she nodded to her and pointed a thumb over her shoulder. “If you
two could man the communications for now it would be much appreciated.”

“Like I said, we can do that no problem.” Eric said.

Nova appeared from the bathroom, dabbing a towel on her mouth. “Where are you two off too?”

“To talk with one of the victim’s parents… Are you okay?”

She nodded and rushed right back in to the bathroom.

Tami looked back to Eric confused and concerned. “Is she…?”

He nodded. “A few weeks along… She should be okay, but I don’t know what effect using her abilities would have on the baby.”

“Please check into it and see what the doctor says until then let’s keep her out of commission… Right now, sending her back to East Coast for a teacher’s position is out of the question.”

“Agreed,” He nodded. “We’ll keep up our end of this assignment but I do have my objections of sending her in to fight.”

“Objection noted,” She wanted to agree with him, wanted to send for a replacement but knew time was short and there was not enough to call Mid-House.

Leaving them, she made her way out of the hotel. She found Mandy pulling up to the front in the rental car. She dropped into the passenger seat, giving Mandy the signal to pull out and drive.

“Nova is pregnant.” She groaned.

“Haven’t they been trying?” Mandy asked.

“Yeah, she had a miscarriage a few years ago so they’ll want to take it easy with this one.” She set her head back with a hand over her eyes. Grateful that Mandy was driving, she let her mind wander and mull over the array of information she gained over the last twenty-four hours. She decided she was taking a vacation when they were done.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 29th, 2017, 1:40 pm
by Solaire

Brenda soared across the small city’s skyline. Finding her way to the police station she landed smoothly, fluffed her wings and folded them down. She chuckled over people who noticed and the children who pointed. Taking the few steps up and moving through the lobby, she stopped at the service desk.

“Can I help you?” The woman asked.

“I’m here to meet with Detective Barnes,” She showed an identification folder with her picture and security card. “My name’s Brenda Hoss, I’m with the Consortium.”

“Have a seat,” The woman scoffed. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

While she waited, Brenda stood by the Wall of Remembrance looking over the history of the station and its evolution. She got a chuckle from the K-9 unit and the Rottweiler named Satan. She was looking over the deceased officers lost in the line of duty, when Barnes approached her.

“You must be the one who’s wrecking havoc over the city?” There was a slight chuckle to his tone.

She turned around to see a large, muscular man with peppering gray hair and piercing dark eyes. She smiled innocently with a shrug. “Well, that reporter kind of already announced our arrival.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” He scratched the back of his neck. “An over eager reporter didn’t see harm in that... I’ve turned his name over to magistrate of Mid-House.”

“Thank you, your cooperation is much appreciated.” She exchanged a hand shake before following him through the building and to the garage.

She waited while he checked out his vehicle and then joined him in the beige colored SUV. As she got in, she caught his smirk and shake of his head.

“I don’t mean to be rude; I’ve got to know though if they’re real.” He said.

“Oh they’re real and I don’t mind the questions,” She said. Settling in, strapping on the seatbelt, she felt the need to check herself in the mirror. “The children are the most curious though occasionally adults have their questions.”

“That being the case, tell me,” He glanced to her through the rearview mirror as he drove through town, making his way to the by-pass. “What’s got the Consortium’s interest in this case?”

“All I know is what I’m told.” She started. She reached in to the thigh pocket of her outfit removing a small notebook. “My job is to determine if there was a psionic involved, whether to prove or disprove is the question.”

“And I’m asked to cooperate to that extent?” He asked.

“Exactly,” She nodded. “Of course if it’s proven that there was a psionic involved then the game changes.”

“And we’ll cross that bridge when and if we come to it.” He added.

“Agreed, let’s get this over with.”

They arrived at the farm with its old two story house looking ominous in the background, the police line tape still draped around the rundown barn. There was clear evidence that some one had been there since the authority’s initial scene investigation. Brenda started her own investigation, taking a small instrument from her thigh pocket to determine the presence of psionic energies. She looked to Barnes with a nod of confirmation. “The game just changed.”


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 29th, 2017, 1:41 pm
by Enforcer

Delta kept herself to the “Old City” Library with her research regarding Enoch. She was ensnared in the writings in the Book of Nod, the sacred text of kindred only a few had seen. She was grateful that the True Brujah, when they raised the Old City they had chosen to house a library of text and included a few discreet copies of the book. It was convenient that the Kine had chosen to build their small city on top of the Old City.

She labored for hours, reading the ancient text, delving in to the different references to create the dissertation for her sire. It was her goal and determination to uncover the location of the supposed mythical First City. As far as she was concerned it was legend not myth and legends had a way of being proven real.

The information she uncovered over the months and years had become fruitful. She was not looking for Caine himself that would be a foolish venture worthy of only a Malkavian. It was common knowledge and accepted that to believe in Caine’s return was foolhardy. What she followed were the multitudes of Caine sightings, weeding out a select few. To Delta was far too peculiar that on occasion one Kindred would rise up claiming to be Caine and call for followers only to disappear as the mass collected.

She paid heed only to those stories, dismissing the other claims as rumor and falsehood. It proved difficult to pinpoint an epicenter as the reports came from across the globe. Still, she was sure of her own findings, noting that some one had to have survived each incident to tell the masses. It was those people, the “reporters” that she wanted to speak with. She had managed to track down only a small handful of them. They were Kindred who ultimately became driven by madness and stepped in to the sun’s light.

Her research was interrupted when a ghoul joined her in a frantic. The small framed man was flailing his arms, panicky, and exasperated. “Enforcer, enforcer, I’m sent to retrieve you for the Prince.”

“Did he give you a message for me?” She asked. Closing the book in front of her, she slowly stood and slid on her jacket.

“There’s a rogue in town, possibly Sa… Sa… Shabbat.”

Delta froze with her hands still on the collar of her jacket. “There’s Sabbat in my town?”

He nodded vigorously clearly fearful of what her reaction would be.

The thought of the Sabbat in her town angered Delta. She growled as she slipped on her sunglasses, which she used purely for intimidation factor. “Let’s go.” With the scrawny Kine male as her escort, she returned to her sire’s chamber and his side. Not a word was spoken as she accepted the thick file he handed to her.

The Kindred sheriff was standing off to the side, his hands cupped together in front of him. He spoke softly and with a firm tone. “Quickly, quietly, and discreetly, you are the Prince’s Enforcer and therefore judgment is your call.”

“Do I have the right of final death?” Delta asked. She knew it was all ceremonial and that she would be granted the rights.

The Sheriff nodded. “You are granted the right of destruction in the Prince’s name… Let the violator of the traditions know he is in violation and that you carry the law of the Prince, serving as his weapon of destruction.”

Delta bowed nobly, holding and arm across her chest. “Your will be done my Lord Prince and Sire."


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 29th, 2017, 1:42 pm
by Osprey

Jamie made her way to the Briarcliff campus, landing near faculty building. She had followed the path that Othello had shown her. Now that she stood at the final point, she was bemused as to what the point of the path was. Something connected the campus to the case and she felt she had lost that niche.

Exploring the campus she encountered a temporary memorial for five students. She recognized the images as the ones from the newspaper article. Kneeling to o one knee to examine the paraphernalia and array of flowers, she looked very picturesque in her flight suit. The azure blue cape draped down her back settling gently over her foot behind her. She picked up a white rose, raising it to her face to sniff and then lowered it as she raised her head to see the pictures.

Hearing the sound of a camera clicking behind her, she looked over her shoulder to see the photographer as he lowered it to his side. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist, and the scene is just so…” He couldn’t put the words to his voice.

Jamie slowly stood and turned in a very fictional super hero type way with her cape swishing behind her. “It’s all right, as long as you don’t interfere with my work, I don’t mind the pictures.”

“Who are you?”

She made a clicking sound between her teeth and raised her arm as Othello swooped down across the ground and settled on the brace covering her forearm. “My name’s Jamie Arcturus, they call me Osprey.”

She looked over the young man’s typical college outfit; he was wearing baggy jeans over dirty sneakers, one of the school’s t-shirts under an open button down with its long sleeves cuffed. She made note of the press pass hanging from his belt. “I take it you’re looking for a story?”

“Actually, I just came to take some pictures of the memorial before the administration has it taken down.”

“Then by all means, don’t let me stop you.” She stepped aside, looking over their surroundings. The shaded campus seemed tranquil and serene. It was hard for her to believe that not too long ago that piece had been disrupted with the news of the freshmen deaths. She felt she was a champion of life, not specifically for psionics but life in general. Jamie saw life as sacred and what happened was a violation of those beliefs.

Standing aside, she watched the student photojournalist as he worked. She stroked Othello down his back, smoothing his feathers. There was an understanding between them, that he too felt the serenity and piece of the campus. Sensing his instincts, she also understood that he too was concerned about the feeling atmosphere of the campus.

“Do you mind if I ask you some questions?” The student asked.

“Feel free to ask and I’ll let you know which ones I can’t answer.” She winked at him. As Othello squawked and then took to the air, Jamie reached in to her thigh pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. “I could use some coffee, care to join me?”

“Sounds good,” He knelt and packed up his camera and then stepped in line with her as they headed to the Student Union.

He directed her to the food court where they found the coffee stand. Jamie ordered their coffees and then joined him at one of the tables. She was well aware of the people around them watching. “I didn’t catch your name.”

“James Barber, journalism major.” They shook hands and sat down.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 30th, 2017, 12:29 pm
by Double Fire

Mandy pulled the car to a stop and parked in front of the modest two-story home. The acre property told the story of a family with humble means. The grounds appeared neglected; the house itself was partially covered in ivy and was in need of painting and repair.

As they stepped up to the patio, they saw distinctive signs of renovations and remodeling. Plants had been discarded; boxes were stacked on the patio marked as siding, singles, and other items meant for the exterior of the house. The construction permit was secured in a plastic sleeve and tacked to the door. Mandy noted the new siding and windows as well as the new front door.

She pressed the doorbell and heard the sweet sounding chime echo inside. Within minutes, a woman in a simple gray t-shirt and white denim shorts was opening the door. She wiped her hand across her forehead and dabbed her cloth to her face.

“Can I help you?” She asked. She had a light, mild southern accent.

“Mrs. Cartwright… I’m Amanda Matchall we spoke on the phone earlier.”

“Oh yes, please come in.” The woman stepped aside holding the door as they entered.

“This is my partner Agent Tami Phosphor.” Mandy introduced her.

“It’s nice to meet you and thank you for coming.” Mrs. Cartwright led them into the living room. The air smelled of new carpet with the faint sent of fresh paint. The furniture was skewed around the room, some of it set to its intended place while other pieces were still wrapped in their shipping papers and plastic. “Please excuse the mess; we’re in the process of redoing the house.”

“That’s quite all right,” Mandy said. She and Tami chose to sit on the stuffed sofa opposite Mrs. Cartwright who sat in the wing-backed chair. “It looks like you’re doing a wonderful job.”

“Thank you, I’m afraid it’s not enough though.” Mrs. Cartwright cupped her hands nervously, wringing at her cloth. “I thought that doing this would help but the other day I actually caught myself turning and calling to Casey for his help in here.” The memory brought tears to her eyes and she seemed on the verge of crying. “I don’t know why this happened, Casey was a good boy, and he tried so hard, he just didn’t fit in.”

Mandy snagged several tissue sheets from the pop up box on the coffee table and handed them to her. “That’s what we’re investigating… The group he was with seems to be completely different compared to his own history.”

Mrs. Cartwright took a deep breath and dabbed at her eyes. “When Casey started college this fall, he said he was determined to make a change to put all those problems behind him… He had a counselor, started taking suppressants, and had started making new friends, the kind he’d always wanted.”

“Mrs. Cartwright may I look at Casey’s room?” Tami asked.

The woman nodded. “Of course, it’s the second door on the left down the hall.”

As Tami stepped out, Mandy focused her attention on the grieving mother. She could only imagine what she was going through. “Mrs. Cartwright, I don’t want to aggravate your loss… So I’ll get to the heart of what we want. The Consortium received a red flag on this case for some of the unusual circumstances involved.”

Mrs. Cartwright nodded. “They told me the six of them had bled out.”

“It’s a bit more complex than that… We would like to know if Casey was gifted.”

“Of course he was,” Mrs. Cartwright furrowed her brow. “I know his grades didn’t reflect it but he was very smart and talented… And I do feel guilty for holding him back.” She stood and stepped to the fireplace where she picked up a small portrait of them. “It just isn’t easy being a single mother; he sacrificed a lot for me.”

“That’s very commendable but not the kind of special talent I was referring too.” She turned her hand palm up with her fingers closed. As she slowly opened them, a small fire ball formed and remained in her palm. “We think Casey might’ve have talents along these lines, psionic abilities.”

The woman was mesmerized by the small fireball Mandy maintained, only when it was snuffed out did she break from her trance. “How did you do that?”

“I’m a pyrokinetic, I have the ability to create, control, and manipulate heat and fire related elements.”
Mrs. Cartwright lowered her head and faintly nodded. “He could do things… It’s why he was on the suppressants… Things would fly when he got angry.”

“So, the charge of cruelty to an animal…?” Mandy asked.

Mrs. Cartwright cracked a nervous smile. “He was actually protecting a girl from a Doberman,” She shrugged. “All I know is what he told me, the dog attacked the little girl and he thought of the dog flying across the yard and hitting a wall… He just thought it and it happened, I believed him but the police didn’t.”

“Telekinesis,” Tami said. She rejoined them, returning to her seat. “His room’s like any other teen planning on college except this.” She held a sealed envelope addressed to the Consortium Mid-House. Some one had stamped ‘return to sender’ in black and the post office added its own stamp in red.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 30th, 2017, 12:40 pm
by Nova

Trinity relaxed and soaked in a warm bath scented with her favorite Lavender essence. Eric had set everything up for her from the lavender oil bath to the soft easy listening saxophone music from the small stereo. She started to doze off and sliding down woke her when the water touched her nose.

Forcing herself out of the tranquil setting, she left the tub, dried off and wrapped the towel around herself. In leaving the bathroom, she noticed Eric on the phone while monitoring the laptop.

“Right then I’ll pass that on to the others…” He looked up with a smile in seeing her. “She’s doing fine, thanks for asking… we’ll see you for dinner then.” He closed the cell phone and sat back, touching his fingers to his lips. “I spoke with Mid-House and they say that communications with East Coast were lost about twenty minutes ago.”

“It’s the storm isn’t it?” Trinity asked. She dropped her towel into his lap and slipped on her satin Victoria’s Secret robe. “How serious is the storm?”

“Getting worse,” He set the towel aside and turned the monitor so she could see what the chaotic storm looked like.

Trinity gasped when she saw the satellite image and shook her head. “It just keeps growing…” She whistled. “It says the winds exceed 250 miles an hour… That’s not normal.”

“Yeah, I saw that… He stood behind her, looking over her shoulder. “Do you know any weather oriented psionics?”

“Not off hand and I don’t think that Mid-House is going to cooperate.”

“Why’s that?” He asked.

“Mid-House is notorious for not cooperating.” She said.

“Well, shame on them,” Eric teased.

She was about to retort when her cell phone chirped. “This is Nova, go ahead.”

“Torque here, any word from the others?”

She looked to Eric as he returned to the chair across from her. “It’s Torque.”

“Solaire called, the instrument confirmed psionic readings.” He said.

“Did you hear that?” Trinity asked.

“Beautiful, Double Fire and I are on our way back.” Torque said.

Trinity checked her watch. “We’ve got three hours until sunset, time to regroup and strategize before we go in.”

“Right,” Torques said. “I’m confirming Cartwright and we’ll see you in twenty.”

“Understood,” Trinity closed her phone and then opened the profile on the laptop for Casey Cartwright. She took the time to study the information they had.

After reviewing all six of the profiles and other case work, she was bored. Eric had gone out for food leaving her alone. There wasn’t a swimming pool or exercise room which eliminated those ideas. She did the only thing she could think of, she pulled on her molecular skin and prepared for the evening's event.

She liked the feel of the material; the unstable molecules tingled against her skin. Sitting on the bed, she slipped on her black leather boots. She checked herself in the full mirror, holding her hand over her stomach. The orange and yellow starburst patterned suit set off her ash blonde hair and golden eyes. “You can’t even tell yet.”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Eric asked. Entering the room he dropped the Culver’s bags on the bed and slapped his hand on his hip.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 30th, 2017, 12:45 pm
by Torque

Tami took the wheel this time, driving back to the hotel. She needed something to occupy her conscious mind so her subconscious could work on the information. There were things about the case that rang familiar. She knew the condition of the bodies, understood the similarities to the case load in New York. There was no doubt in her mind that a vampire was responsible. It was a matter of connecting the dots; she had several collected with her team. Still there was a need to dig further and find clarification.

Her mind ran through the multitudes of information, over and over again. One dot connected was the presence of psionic energies at the scene and Casey Cartwright. The fact that his mother admitted to his telekinesis connected the two dots. The fact that the Mid-House had returned his letter unopened was a disturbing factor. Though she was not surprised to learn of their uncooperative attitude, she wondered if things could have been different if they had done something different.

“Torque watch out!” Mandy’s scream broke her thoughts.

Swerving to avoid the collision, she slipped back into her lane. “Sorry,” She said.

“Do you want me to drive?” Mandy asked.

“No, I’m good besides we’re almost there.”

“I don’t see why we couldn’t have checked in to the Marina Inn, same price but so much nicer.” Mandy said. She was going over the profiles again, making sure she didn’t miss anything. “Not to mention closer to downtown.”

“How much closer and what makes it nicer?” Tami asked. She raised a brow and glanced to the review mirror. “We’re being followed.” Forgetting about her questions, she pulled off the road and in to the parking lot of Staples.

The tan SUV followed, parking beside them. Tami felt a sense of ease when she saw Solaire get out of the other vehicle. She popped her door open and slipped out. She simply nodded towards Barnes who was sitting behind the wheel. “How’d it go?”

“We’ve got his full cooperation,” Solaire said.

“We found the psionic…” She sighed heavily. “When Joe finds out what Mid-House did, he’s going to be pissed; I don’t even want to think of how France will react.”

“Is it that serious?” Solaire asked.

“Let’s get back to the hotel and link up with the team… I think the only one we’re missing is Osprey… Last we heard from her, she went on recon.”

She looked passed Solaire as Barnes leaned close to the open passenger door.

“I need to get back to the station and pull some information, which hotel are you staying at?” He asked.

“Days Inn Singing Hills Boulevard.” Tami said.

“I’ll meet you in the lobby in one hour.” Barnes said.

“We’ll be waiting.” Tami said. She stepped aside giving Solaire the room to get to the back seat of their rental. She closed the SUV door for Barnes and then returned to the driver’s seat of the rented Saturn. There was a moment’s pause before she strapped on her seat belt and started the engine. “D F would you pass her the letter?”

“Sure,” Mandy opened the file and pulled out the letter Casey had received back from the Consortium’s Mid-House. The team openly shared their information with each other. They worked together to uncover and connect the different dots in the case. Tami enjoyed the way they worked together and felt confident in their efforts. Adding Mandy and her skills and experience was refreshing to Tami.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 30th, 2017, 12:46 pm
by Solaire

Brenda pulled the letter from the opened end of the envelope. The crisp white stationary unfolded easily in her hands. She started reading silently.

Dear Sirs,

I’m writing to you a third time about my situation. Your first response requested a testimony about my abilities and I sent it. That was over a year ago with no response. Why would some one claim to have something that made them a freak?

For years the kids in my school have teased, harassed and bullied me just to see my reaction. They got me mad, saying things about my mother, about why I don’t have a father. He died and that’s why mom and I moved to this area.

My point is, since I was little I’ve been able to move things with my mind. When I get mad things around me fly with a vengeance. I have gotten to the point where I have some control. Around my 15th birthday is when things got worse, I started seeing things. These things or visions, I would later find out actually happened. This is something I have no control over, it’s like I can see the future days some times weeks before it happens. It’s freaking me out that my dreams are actually unfolding. Over time I would be awake doing something completely innocent and focused.

Here’s the big one that happened a few months ago: I was in the middle of my trig final last spring. The prom, graduation, getting set for college, these are the things that were in the back of my mind. Some one in class sneezed, one of those seriously loud ones that get everyone to look up. Well, when I did I looked at the girl sitting next to the sneezer and I saw her death. It was a split second but I know what I saw. Katie was in some guys arms and had bled out. The thing is it didn’t feel like a suicide because the guy had blood all over him, I think it was hers. I can’t really explain it, as brief as it was it was also so intense it knocked me out of my seat. I just know in my gut that she doesn’t kill herself. It felt like there were others there, I couldn’t tell.

Over the summer I made some decisions, writing this letter is one of them. I need your help. I would like to understand and learn how to manage or cope with this new thing that has come to me. My mom is worried, scared even, I felt it. Yeah, that’s another thing about me; I can feel what others are feeling. It’s often overwhelming.

My guidance counselor suggested I contact you. She explained that the Consortium may be able to help me with my gifts, as she called them. Please get back with me; I want to try and stop what may happen, to keep it from happening. I don’t know if I can do this but I have to try. I have already set things in motion to change my life so that Katie and her new college friends will accept me. She seemed relieved to see a familiar face on campus. The problem is, when we met, I saw them in the vision as well. Please, help me keep this from happening.

Casey Andrew Cartwright-
Aka- Freaky dink-
The Freak of Sioux City

“He knew, the kid frikkin knew,” With tears swelling in her eyes, she let the letter fold in her hands as she turned the envelope in her hand. “And they turned him away.” She looked out the window as they headed down Lewis Boulevard and turned onto Singing hills Boulevard. “Joe’s going to be pissed.”

“That’s going to be one pissed off dragon.” Torque said.

“Waite a minute, Joe’s a dragon too?” Mandy asked.

“Boy, she catches on quick.” Brenda said.

“Hey,” Torque spoke sharply. “That’s my partner you’re talking about.”


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 30th, 2017, 12:48 pm
by Enforcer

From her respite, Delta left the chaise lounge and stepped confidently from her chambers. She checked the sky well to see if it was dark. The light had just faded in to the void of blackness as she opened the door. Moving back and locking the heavy wooden door, she held her arms behind her as her ghoul slipped her leather trench coat on. Adjusting the collar, sliding her glasses over her demonic red eyes,

Delta picked up a twelve gauge rifle and loaded it. It was Friday night; she had her orders and no classes. She knew where to go and who the target was and a half assed job was not her way.

Approaching the garage area, she barely glanced around as the ghouls scampered out of her way. One stayed his place, looking up slowly as she approached the Harley Davidson he was wiping down.

“How’s my baby?” She asked.

“Perfect, as always Enforcer, she’s gassed and ready for you.” Wiping the seat, he slipped away with a lowly bow.

“Thanks,” She mounted the bike and held her hand up. The keys were flown at her and landed square in her hand, she closed her hand around them and flawlessly maneuvered the right key into the ignition.

“Keep the hearth fires warm Mickey; it’s going to be a long night.”

“Yes mistress, as you wish.” He bowed lower and stepped back from the bike.

Delta revved the engine, letting it purr as the trademark Harley Davidson sound filled the air. There was no mistake for others; they knew the Enforcers motorcycle was soon leaving ‘Old City’ for a hunt. It was the only time Delta pulled out the Roadster.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: July 30th, 2017, 12:49 pm
by Osprey

Jamie concluded her coffee meeting with the young photojournalist. She learned a few new things and some old. She was still dissatisfied and had yet to find a reason for her being on the assignment. It was nothing new, there had been plenty of times in the past when she was assigned something she believed she was useless in. She often wondered if Joe was simply giving her things to do.

As she left the Student Union, the blast of colors across the Western skies caught her attention and she paused to watch the sunset. She was standing tall near the teachers office building, a slight wind brushed passed her snatching up her cape in its gentleness. In that moment, the only thing she was sure of was the looks of students and faculty when they saw her. She was the reluctant heroine, often wishing she had been born normal with a normal even mundane life. Deep inside she wished she could trade it all for that simple life. Still, she knew that in reality people saw her for what she was even if it wasn’t what she wanted to be.

“Wow,” James Barber approached her again. “Are we going to keep running in to each other?” He asked.

She smiled faintly, turning away from the sunset to see him better. With a faint smirk, she looked down at her hands, the metallic gauntlets around her fore-arms and the fist she flexed her hand in to. “It’s possible I suppose.”

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked. Approaching her, he slung his backpack over one shoulder. “You look a bit different than earlier.”

“James, you have no idea.” She stepped to his side and walked with him to the parking lot. They stopped at an old, rusty four-door and he unlocked the driver’s door.

“I know she’s not much to look at but she gets me from A to B to seeing me out of trouble.” He chuckled. He dropped his bag over the seat to the back. “Can I give you a lift somewhere?”

“That depends; I wouldn’t want you going out of your way.”

He leaned on the door. “Not a problem, this town is so small practically nothing is out of the way.”

She found herself sighing with relief, finding that she could actually avoid flying for once. “Are you going passed Singing Hills Boulevard?”

He smiled, almost in a laugh. “Actually I am I need to pick my sister up from work.”

She waited as he got in and popped the passenger side door. Just as she was starting to sit down, she heard Othello’s cry from above. Looking to the darkening skies, she saw him circling then swooped down. Images filled her mind of what he saw. In a dark alley some where in town, a vampire had seized a vagrant to feed on. The brief image was enough to get her attention.

“I’m going to have to take a rain check, duty calls.” Closing the door and leaving him, she lifted in to the air with a sharp clean turn towards downtown. As she flew, she hit her ear-com. “Team this is Osprey, we’ve got one… Othello and I are trailing.”

There was a moment delay before some one responded. Solaire’s voice broke over the com-link with a static connection. “Copy that Osprey, what’s your location?”

“Subject is downtown.” Osprey soared high and fast, keeping pace with Othello as they made their way to the alley where he had found the assault. By the time they arrived the monster was gone leaving its victim slumped against the wall.